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Contact Graduate School Of Humanities

Who's who: meet the Humanities Graduate team

The Graduate School strives to be a community of young researchers who are challenged to break boundaries in their work. The (Research) students and PhD researchers of VU Amsterdam are internationally oriented and like to explore: they are not afraid of a challenge, they want to engage with disciplines that are not their own and adapting research to the latest developments and needs in society is key.

The team of the Graduate School of Humanities gives support and advise to our (research) master student and PhD researchers. Follow us at LinkedIN to see more.

You'll find all team members below; in case of a more generic question, please contact us

The Graduate School Of Humanities: meet the Team

Meet our staff

prof. dr. Annemie Halsema

Director Graduate School Humanities | Associate professor Philosophy

Annemie Halsema

prof. dr. Pepijn Brandon

Professor of global social and economic history, Slavery and colonialism, history of capitalism

Pepijn Brandon

Dr. Liesbeth Geudeke

Head of Research Office | senior policy advisor research | faculty confidentiality advisor

Liesbeth Geudeke

Dr. Nathanja van den Heuvel

PhD advisor and coordinator

Nathanja van den Heuvel

Sewa Hasan

Student assistent

Sewa Hasan

FGW Graduate School contact

For questions, please contact

Graduate School of Humanities
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam