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Concise formulation

This course is designed for any small group of PhD researchers who are in an advanced stage of writing and who are interested in increasing the attractiveness and sharpness of their writing. The focus is on promoting concision without losing precision.

The course has an introductory group session focusing on linguistic techniques, two working sessions with peer feedback, and an individual tutorial with the teacher. Assessment is on the basis of at least one edited thesis chapter using ELS-online, the ALP feedback system. The precise content of the course will be agreed between teacher and participants in a meeting prior to the course. This course is open to all PhD researchers. We apply a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 participants. The best way to sign up for this course is as a small group from the same broad scientific discipline.

Upon request
Practical information
This course is open to all PhD researchers. We apply a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 participants. The best way to sign up for this course is as a small group from the same broad scientific discipline.

Fee: € 475 per participant.
Teacher: tba
Credits: 3
Course code: PhD-C-EN-5

Click for registration form

Contact information
For information and questions, please send an e-mail to the ALP's course administration: