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Collaboration with Humanities students

Are you interested in connecting with students? Reach out to Career Services of the humanities faculty to discuss how we can support you in your recruitment efforts. You can post your vacancies and events on our career platform.

Vacancy board

The Career Platform offers you the unique opportunity to reach out to all Humanities students. You can promote vacancies for internships, graduate programmes and entry-level positions on our vacancy board - free of charge. Create an account on our Career Platform and post your vacancy. Contact the faculty Career Officer if you're interested in an account.

Event promotion

Are you organizing a network event such as an (online) in-house day? Upload your event in the student event calendar. Contact the faculty Career Officer if you'd like to create more awareness for your events.

Organization profile

We offer all our partners in workshops and events the opportunity to create a company profile on the career platform. Contact the faculty Career Officer if you're interested in a company profile.