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Staff members Organizational Psychology

Membership of all kinds of organizations – be it work, leisure, community or religious organizations – largely define us as humans, but organizations can also offer all kinds of challenges. Organizational Psychology help us understand those challenges and tries to answer fundamental questions about human organizational nature by applying and combining insights from social, personality, organizational, and evolutionary psychology.

Section head Organizational Psychology: Reinout de Vries

Het team van Organizational Psychology

Leer ons beter kennen:

Wendy Andrews

Assistant Professor

Picture of Wendy Andrews

Johan van den Berg


David Brannon


Amber Brizar

PhD Candidate

Jacek Buczny

Assistant Professor

Picture of Jacek Buczny

Shen Cao

External PhD Candidate

Picture of Shen Cao

Daphne Dekker


Picture Daphne Dekker

Liubov Elivanova


Lara Engelbert

PhD Candidate

Sanne Feenstra

Assistant Professor

Picture Sanne Feenstra

Henk van der Flier


Henk van der Flier

Annika Frach

PhD Candidate

Sina Ghassemi


Picture Sina Ghassemi

Sophie Hudspith

PhD Candidate

Nathaniel Kaye

External PhD Candidate

Vasiliki Kentrou

PhD Candidate

Felix Kerscher


Ranran Li

PhD Candidate

Picture of Ranran Li

Jacob Matić

PhD Candidate

Marvin Neumann

Assistant Professor

Sterre van Niekerken

PhD Candidate

Sofia Schlamp

External PhD Candidate

Picture Sofia Schlamp

Xiaotian Sheng

External PhD Candidate

Picture Xiaotian Sheng

Jian Shi

External PhD Candidate

Picture of Jian Shi

Anna Stage


Reinout de Vries

Full Professor

Picture of Reinout de Vries

Mark van Vugt

Full Professor

Picture Mark van Vugt

Bo Wang

External PhD Candidate

Picture of Bo Wang

Kilian Wawoe


Picture of Kilian Wawoe

Tianyi Zhang
