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Pop-up Library

Do you have questions about the library? Or do you need help finding sources for your essay or thesis? Visit the Pop-up Library or make an appointment with the subject librarian of your faculty!

Employees of the University Library can answer your questions every day at our permanent desks in the main building and the VUmc. With the introduction of our mobile set-up, you can find us also on different locations around campus! Have you seen the Pop-up Library in the NU building or the Initium yet?  

At the Pop-up Library, we like to take our time to answer any questions you may have. Would you like help finding sources for your essay or thesis? Or do you need advice on how to refer to sources correctly? Or are you wondering whether you can use a certain (online) source? Drop by, so we can help you! 

The Pop-up Library for researchers and teachers 
As a researcher or teacher, you can also visit the Pop-up Library for practical questions about the library. We are also happy to discuss how the library can support you in your research and/or teaching. Did you know, for example, that we have specialists who can help you write a data management plan or carry out systematic and scoping reviews? Or that our curators are happy to show items from the Special Collections during your lecture? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

Would you like to know more about the Pop-up Library?

Contact us

+31 6 2569 4822

University Library
VU Main Building, 1st floor
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam


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