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The University Library creates exhibitions in the Heritage display, the VU ART SCIENCE gallery and online.

The heritage collections of the University Library harbour special treasures. The exhibitions that are regularly organised bear witness to this. For example, you can go on an adventure through the Kuyper archive, hear stories about the top pieces from the collections or see objects that scientists have used over the years.

Curious about our exhibitions? Read more about them below and/or view them online!

Want to know more about VU's exhibitions?

Visit the Special Collections' archives and discover past and present exhibitions.

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Most exhibitions of the Special Collections can be found in the heritage display next to the entrance of the University Library on the first floor of the Main Building. Temporary exhibitions can also be found regularly in the study rooms and on campus.

Photographer: Too van Velzen


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Questions about the Heritage exhibition space of the University Library?

Please contact Eline Bos, academic heritage curator

Heritage exhibition space, University Library
VU Main Building, 1st floor
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam