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Collection Law & Criminology

On this page you will find information about the Law and Criminology book collections from the University Library. At the bottom of the page, you can also find the contact details of our information specialist, who is happy to help you with getting access to literature, purchase requests, questions about searching & finding, publishing, open science and available workshops for students.

Search and find legal information
Are you looking for legal information and academic literature? The subject area guide to Law contains a collection of resources that are available through the University Library.

Many more recent books are available as ebooks. These books and ebooks can be found and accessed through LibSearch. There are often restrictions on downloading and printing them. In addition, there is often a maximum number of simultaneous users that can view an ebook. Information on borrowing and reserving paper copies can be found on the University Library website

Do you have questions about accessing resources or do you have a suggestion for purchasing a book, journal or database? Or are you looking for support in finding the right sources for your research, lecture, essay or thesis? Contact the information specialist.

Education support
Besides managing the book collections, the University Library also offers education support. In the LibGuides, you can follow online courses on information literacy. Are you looking for support in teaching information literacy workshops? If so, please contact the Law Information Specialist.

Would you like to know how the University Library can support you?   
Do you have questions about education, research or the collection? The information specialist is happy to support you.

Would you like to know how the University Library can support you?

General questions
