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All you need to know about the digital workplace

Department IT is improving the digital workplace. Below we explain what it is, who it is intended for, who created it, as well as when and why. 

As an employee and/or student at VU, you have access to a digital workplace in the cloud. This ensures that you have access anytime, anywhere to the applications and data you need to work or study. Collaboration and easy information sharing are the central focus in the new digital workplace. 

The new digital workplace is built on two pillars:  
1. Using the latest Microsoft 365 Cloud programs for productivity, team collaboration and easy and secure information sharing  
2. The possibility to log into a virtual VU Windows desktop or virtual VU applications on any device (regardless of the operating system).
VU employees (permanent, hired and hospitality) can access their digital workplace from the date they are (formally) employed. Before you can access the digital workplace as an employee, you must first register for two-step verification. To do this, follow the QRC found on the Knowledge Portal under 'Identity and Security MS365'.

Once registered, you can access your digital workplace in 2 ways:

1. On a device provided by the Vrije Universiteit (desktop, laptop, Macbook).

2. On a computer not issued by the Vrije Universiteit (private).

If you work on a desktop or laptop provided by the VU, you can simply log in using the data you received when you entered service. Note: VU mail on your mobile must be set up via the Outlook app. To do this, install the Outlook app on your mobile. For more information about your digital workplace, consult the knowledge portal.

For executives:
You can request a laptop for a new employee through the Service Portal. On the Service Portal homepage, select the 'IT' button. Then go to 'My computer'. Then choose 'Laptop computer'. On that page you can order a 'Standard Windows laptop'.