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Paul van Gelder Director EMEA Coverage & Head of Team BNP Paribas

Alumni Treasury Management & Corporate Finance
Paul decided to register for Treasury Management & Corporate Finance at VU Amsterdam as he was looking for a programme to boost his knowledge of relevant treasury- & corporate finance topics. The opportunity to exchange with fellow students, academics and industry experts and the possibility to grow his network were the biggest benefits of the programme for Paul. Being rewarded with the RT-title upon completion was a nice bonus.

Follow a top-notch programme

“I signed-up for this programme at VU Amsterdam because it is widely recognised within the treasury community as well as the banking world for being best-in-class.”

Learn from various perspectives

“I liked that the programme touches upon all relevant aspects a treasurer or corporate finance professional must deal with. This holistic approach helped me to develop a broader perspective and to become a better sparring partner for my clients. I also enjoyed the fact that the programme offers academic depth but is case- and experienced based at the same time. It strikes the perfect balance between theory and hands-on skills & knowledge that can be applied in daily practice.

It was inspiring to collaborate with fellow students with different professional backgrounds and personalities, each bringing their own perspective to the table. It was also great to see how many academics and industry experts are committed to this programme. This makes the programme unique and it contributes to building a valuable network which brings a lasting benefit to your career”.

Combine your study with your private life

“Another advantage of this programme is that it was possible to follow it alongside my busy job and private life. Of course, some weeks were more intense than others, but when you plan well it is manageable to combine”.  

Discover the programme

Have you become interested in the programme or do you want to know more? Discover more about Treasury Management & Corporate Finance at VU Amsterdam by visiting the website or by downloading the brochure!

“I liked that the programme curriculum touches upon all relevant aspects a treasurer or corporate finance professional must deal with. This holistic approach helped me to develop a broader perspective and to become a better sparring partner for my clients.”

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