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dr. Virissa Lenters

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Environmental Health & Toxicology

Assistant Professor, AIMMS

Assistant Professor, Amsterdam Public Health, APH - Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases

Personal information

Dr. Virissa Lenters is an Assistant Professor in environmental epidemiology. She received her MSc and PhD in epidemiology from Utrecht University (Registered Epidemiologist B). She investigates how plastic and chemical pollution impact maternal and child health. She is active within national and EU-funded projects researching the health risks of microplastics and endocrine-disrupting chemicals. She also investigates disparities in exposure to pollution and factors that promote resilience and susceptibility to environmental insults. She has published >50 peer-reviewed articles; her first-author articles have been cited an average of >70 times to date; and her publications have been cited by >80 policy documents (by ECHA, EFSA, WHO, IARC, RIVM, the Health Council of the Netherlands, US CDC, US EPA, etc). Her teaching and societal engagement more broadly address public health, exposome science, and planetary health.


Selected projects

FLES: Fed with a side of microplastics: interventions to reduce plastic exposure via infant formula and human milk (ZonMw-funded; main applicant; 300k euro; 2023-2025)

AURORA: Actionable European roadmap for early-life health risk assessment of micro- and nanoplastics (EU-funded; co-applicant; 6 mil. euro; 2021-2026)

FREIA: Female reproductive toxicity of EDCs: a human evidence-based screening and identification approach (EU-funded; 2019-2024)

PFAS lichaamsbelasting van lacterende vrouwen: de verspreiding in Nederland (VU & Amsterdam UMC & RIVM; 2024-2026)

Ancillary activities

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Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. Virissa Lenters


  • RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology, Environmental ...


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