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Thijs Endendijk, MSc

PhD Candidate, Faculty of Science, Environmental Economics

Personal information

Thijs Endendijk is a PhD candidate in the department Environmental Economics of the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He has a background in public administration from Leiden University (BSc) and in environmental economics from Utrecht University (MSc). During his master’s thesis, Thijs explored the potential role of behavioural economics in waste management in the Netherlands.

His research interest lies in the intersection between economics, sustainability and policy analysis. Currently his PhD research focuses on the role of physical climate risk as result of climate change for the financial sector by using econometrics and risk modelling. His work is part of the REACHOUT project, aimed at enhancing climate adaptation in seven European city hubs. 


Economic policy analysis, econometrics, flood risk.


2022: MSc Economic Policy (Cum Laude), Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

2020: BSc Public Administration: Economics, Public Administration and Management, Leiden University, the Netherlands.

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Thijs Endendijk, MSc

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