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dr. Thales Pupo West

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Environmental Geography

Personal information

I am a tenured assistant professor at the Department of Environmental Geography, in the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and Fellow of the Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG) at the University of Cambridge, UK.

​My research is focused on the sustainability of coupled human-natural systems and topics like land-use/cover change, resource management, environmental economics, impact evaluation (econometrics), climate governance, and payments for environmental services, in particular, carbon offsets and REDD+.


2016: PhD in Interdisciplinary Ecology, University of Florida, USA.

2011: MSc in Resource Management, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

2011: PgDip in Business Management, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil.

2009: BSc in Forest Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

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dr. Thales Pupo West

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