Sanaz Kateb joined the Department of Management and Organization within the School of Business and Economics as a PhD ABRI researcher from September 2020. Since September 2024, she has continued her work at the department as a postdoctoral researcher.
Sanaz Kateb
Research Associate, School of Business and Economics, Management and Organisation
Within her postdoctoral research she extends on particular themes that were established during her previous doctoral study, by further exploring the role of technology within healthcare systems, particularly in the context of elderly care.
During her PhD research she focuses on the influence of the Covid-19 crisis on social care organizations and their services to vulnerable groups, by studying (1) the adoption of digital innovation during crisis times, (2) the role of temporality on the emergence collective action, (3) the impact of organizational spaces on vulnerability, and (4) the influence of organizational control on professional autonomy.
At the department of Management & Organization she teaches the courses “Management & Organization” and “Academic Skills”. In addition she supervises the thesis work of (pre-)Master students.
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