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dr. René Pool

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Biological Psychology

Assistant Professor, Amsterdam Public Health, APH - Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases

Assistant Professor, Amsterdam Public Health, APH - Personalized Medicine

Personal information

I have a background in medicinal chemistry (VU). I received my PhD at the University of Amsterdam in the field of Computational Physics & Chemistry. Since 2012 I work as assistant professor at the department of Biological Psychology. Here I work on the metabolomics data sets collected by the Netherlands Twin Register (NTR). These data comprise hundreds of metabolic variables measured in over 6000 NTR subjects. Biologically, the metabolome can be viewed as an intermediate level in the framework starting at the genome and ending at biological function, e.g. behaviour. Metabolomics can therefore be utilized to gain detailed insights in biological (dis)function. The field of metabolomics nicely brings together my interests in (bio)chemistry, in systems biology and in analyses of multi-dimensional data.



  • Introduction to omics (RM Genes in Behaviour and Health)
  • Molecular Genetics (Bachelor Psychology, third year)
Ancillary activities

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dr. René Pool