Raffaella Mulas is an Assistant Professor (Universitair Docent) in Mathematics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Before, she was a Group Leader and a Minerva Fast Track Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, where she is still affiliated. She is an Elected Member of the Inaugural Cohort of the European Mathematical Society Young Academy (EMYA), and an Elected Member of the Elisabeth-Schiemann-Kolleg of the Max Planck Society. She holds a VU Startpremie Grant.
dr. Raffaella Mulas
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Mathematics
Personal information
- Spectral theory of graphs and hypergraphs
- Discrete Laplacians
- Non-backtracking operators
- Applications to network science
- Extremal combinatorics
- Coloring numbers
- Turán problem
- Linear Algebra
- Combinatorics
- Calculus
- Network analysis
- Non-backtracking operators
- Spectra of tensors
Ancillary activities
No ancillary activities
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