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Raed Hamed, MSc

Research Associate, Faculty of Science, Water and Climate Risk

Personal information

Raed Hamed is a PhD researcher within the Water & Climate Risk group at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM). His work focuses on developing storylines that will investigate the impacts of current and future climate variability on staple crop production in key hotspot regions around the world. This will be done using a combination of machine learning and system dynamics modelling. The research is embedded in the RECEIPT project, an EU-funded project on climate risk storylines.

Raed completed two bachelor’s degrees in Agribusiness and Agricultural sciences at the American University of Beirut. He then obtained his MSc in Climate Studies at Wageningen University with his thesis focused on seasonal streamflow forecasts for South America.

Before starting at VU Amsterdam, Raed worked for the consultancy company FutureWater on the EU-funded project IMPREX where he analyzed seasonal forecasting skill of hydrological and crop-related variables for the South East of Spain. Raed is interested in a holistic understanding of the food production system looking at interactions between the social, economic and physical drivers in order to support decision making in an uncertain world.


Climate and Weather extremes, Agriculture.


2018: MSc Climate studies, specialization Biogeochemical Cycles, Wageningen University & Research

2016: BSc Agricultural Sciences, American University of Beirut

2014: BSc Agribusiness, American University of Beirut

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Raed Hamed, MSc

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