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dr. ir. Nynke Schulp

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, Environmental Geography

Associate Professor, Amsterdam Sustainability Institute

Personal information

T: +31 20 59 83082   Rm: NU-8A93

Nynke Schulp is Associate Professor Land use, Lifestyle, and Ecosystem Change. She is specialized in analyzing societal demand for ecosystem services in relation to the supply by the landscape, and feedbacks of landscape functioning to human preferences and needs.

Nynke's research focuses on cultural landscapes with a strong role for agriculture. One strand of research concentrates on the European territory, both at European and case study scale. She currently leads a project on Bright Spots of Climate Smart Agriculture in the Netherlands, as well as work packages in Horizon Europe projects PLUSChange and FoodCityBoost. Within these and previous projects (CONNECT, VITAL) , she has done participatory research on sustainable land use in case studies in different contexts, e.g. the Kromme Rijn region and the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. She developed a set of spatial models for mapping ecosystem services and applied these in science and policy support. Her second strand of research addresses global-scale interactions. With her team and network, she explores how consumption patterns at one place impact, and depend on, landscapes and ecosystem services far away. She currently (co-)supervises 7 PhD students and was (co-)supervisor of 4 completed PhDs. 

Nynke teaches BSc and MSc courses on historical geography, sustainable land use, and scenario development. Over the past five years, she has supervised about 30 BSc and MSc theses, on topics varying from biobased textile to urban farming, but all centered around sustainable land use and consumption. 


Sustainable land use, Land use change, Land use history, Mapping, Modelling, Ecosystem Services.


2009: PhD in Land Dynamics, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

2003: MSc in Soil Science, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.

2000: BSc Soil, Water, and Atmosphere, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.

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dr. ir. Nynke Schulp


  • GE Environmental Sciences, HD Industries. Land use. Labor


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