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dr. Nienke Vos

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Art and Culture, History, Antiquity

Assistant Professor, CLUE+

Personal information

Assistant Professor (tenured) / Senior Lecturer Early Christian Greek and Latin

Member of ACASA: Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology


My research focuses on early Christian texts, specifically the use of Scripture and the genre of hagiography. I am also interested in narratology and discourse linguistics and what those areas of research have to offer to early Christian studies. In terms of genre, the sayings of the desert fathers and mothers (the so-called Apophthegmata Patrum) are of special interest.


PhD Theology (Church History) University of Utrecht (2003)

Duke University, North Carolina (2002)

BA + MA Theology (degree of drs) University of Utrecht (1998)

Divinity School (completion of training for ministry in PKN = Protestant Church Netherlands; 1998)

Wycliffe Hall, Oxford (1993-1994) 

Propedeuse Theology University of Utrecht (1990)

Grammar School (Christelijk Gymnasium Utrecht; 1983-1989)


I (co-)teach the following courses:

Ancient Christianity

Classical Mythology and Biblical Stories

Religion and Society: From Constantine to Muhammad

Lieux de mémoire

Greek Literature in Late Antiquity and Middle Ages

Latin Literature in Late Antiquity and Middle Ages

Seminar: Writing a Term Paper


Fulbright Grant NACEE 2002

Aspasia Travel Grant 2019

Ancillary activities

No ancillary activities

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. Nienke Vos


  • B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion, C Auxiliary Sciences of History, D History G...


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