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dr. Nadine Ketel

Associate Professor, School of Business and Economics, Economics

, Tinbergen Institute

Personal information

I am an Associate Professor in Economics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Research Affiliate at Gothenburg Universiy, IZA and CEPR (Labour Economics Programme).


My research interests are labor economics, educational economics and the economics of crime. I study these topics mainly using natural and field experiments.


Empirical Economics (minor Applied Econometrics)

Introduction to Econometrics (Amsterdam University College)

Prizes and Awards

Joop Hartog Thesis award for best PhD Thesis, faculty of Economics of the University of Amsterdam, 2018: €1,250

Award for best master thesis, Economics faculty of the University of Amsterdam, 2009: €750


NWO Veni grant (2024 – 2027) for the project “How admission policies and peers affect equality of access to education”, principal investigator: €280,000

Vetenskapsradet (VR) program grant (2018-2020) for the project “Criminal victimization and risk factors”, principal investigator: 4,800,000 SEK (approx. €490,000)

Jan Wallanders and Tom Hedelius stiftelse program grant (2017-2020), principal investigator: 1,200,000 SEK (approx. €120,000)

Browaldh Research fellowship (max 6 years fully funded wages) (2015-2019)

NWO research talent (2012-2015) for three-year PhD position: €150,000

Funding for field experiment sunk-cost effects (2012), Spearhead Behavioral Economics: €25,000

Tinbergen Institute, full scholarship (2010-2011): €13,000

Ancillary activities

No ancillary activities

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. Nadine Ketel