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dr. ir. Margreet Olthof

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, Nutrition and Health

Associate Professor, Amsterdam Sustainability Institute

Associate Professor, Amsterdam Public Health, APH - Aging & Later Life

Associate Professor, Amsterdam Public Health, APH - Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases

Personal information

Margreet Olthof is associate professor at the Department of Health Sciences (VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands). She also is the program director of the Master Health Sciences and confidential counselor at the Faculty of Science (VU Amsterdam).

She is trained as a nutritionist at Wageningen University and registered as nutritional scientist at the Netherlands Academy of Nutritional Sciences (NAV). She received her PhD in 2001 at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. From 2001 she worked as post-doc for the Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences (WCFS, currently named TI Food and Nutrition). Since 2005 she holds a tenured position at the Department of Health Sciences of the VU University Amsterdam. Her research focuses on nutrition and prevention of chronic diseases. Topics she is currently working in are: health effects of coffee and of sugar; protein intake in older adults; early feeding and obesity in childhood; sustainability, and effects of sugar taxation.

  • Examiner and lecturer ‘Public Health Nutrition’ course, mandatory for all MSc students of the specialization Nutrition and Health of the MSc program Health Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  • Examiner and lecturer ‘Nutrition research’ course, of the BSc program Health Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  • Lecturer in BSc course ‘Nutrition and Health’ of the Health Sciences program, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  • Lecturer in Pre-MSc course ‘Nutrition and Research’ of the Health Sciences program, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  • Lecturer BSc course 'Nutrition & Health' of the Amsterdam University College, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  • Supervisor and assessor of BSc and MSc theses

  • Coordinator MSc internships, mandatory for all MSc students of the specialization Nutrition and Health of the Master program Health Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Ancillary activities
  • Member NWO committee program ‘’Promotiebeurs voor Leraren’’ (ministry of OCW) (2015-now)

  • External reviewer, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, opleiding diëtetiek (2015-now)

  • Member committee scientific integrity of the Netherlands Academy of Nutritional Sciences (NAV) (2020-now)

  • Chairman program committee Master Health Sciences (2016-2020)

  • Board member and secretary of the Netherlands Academy of Nutritional Sciences (NAV) (2011-2020)

  • Vice-president examination committee Health Sciences, VU Amsterdam (2009-1016)

dr. ir. Margreet Olthof


  • life science, nutrition, epidemiology, Health


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