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dr. ir. MG van der Meij

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Athena Institute

Assistant Professor, Network Institute

Personal information

I am an Assistant Professor in Design for Participatory Transformation at the Athena Institute, Faculty of Science, VU University in Amsterdam.

I do research into participatory technology assessment, participatory futuring, and knowledge co-production for sustainable innovation. Key concepts in my research are playfulness, frame reflection, epistemic cultures, guiding visions, dialogue and living labs. 

Due to my educational background, I produce various research outputs, apart from scientific publications, including art installations, board games, mockumentaries and science museum exhibits.

Ancillary activities
  • Kinderopvangorganisatie | Amsterdam | Oudercommissie | 2021-10-15 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. ir. MG van der Meij