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Merel Talbi, MA MSc.

PhD Candidate, Faculty of Humanities, Reasoning and Argumentation

PhD Candidate, CLUE+

Personal information

Merel Talbi is a PhD candidate in social and political epistemology. After obtaining Master's degrees in Political Science and Philosophy, she worked as a lecturer at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Amsterdam, where she taught and developed courses on interdisciplinary social sciences, sustainability, and methodology and philosophy of science. In 2019 she started working on the ERC-project The Social Epistemology of Argumentation, focusing on epistemic diversity. She is currently working on prospects and challenges to political deliberation in polarized societies.

In addition to her academic work, Talbi is a local politician for GroenLinks, and has an elected seat in the district council (stadsdeelcommissie) for Amsterdam Oost. 


Merel Talbi doet promotieonderzoek naar de politieke en sociale epistemologie van (politieke) deliberatie en dialoog. Hedendaagse politieke en sociale situaties zijn fundamenteel pluralistisch, zowel in politiek als moreel, sociaal, en epistemologisch-cognitief opzicht. Deze pluraliteit kan conflicten veroorzaken, bijvoorbeeld wanneer zeer diverse waarden of opvattingen met elkaar botsen, en moeilijk te verenigen zijn. Desondanks is samenwerking en dialoog wenselijk én noodzakelijk voor politieke en sociale besluitvorming, om tot wederzijds begrip te komen, en om onze kennis te vergroten. Op het kruispunt van filosofie, politicologie en recht doet Talbi onderzoek naar manieren om die diversiteit aan opvattingen en waarden in discussie, debat en samenwerking hanteerbaar te maken. Zij richt zich hierbij op de rol van persoonlijke narratieven, het inzetten van de fysieke en geografische ruimte, de (sociologische) mogelijkheden van het recht en de invloed van (burgerschaps)onderwijs. Daarnaast heeft zij vanwege haar interdisciplinaire achtergrond in filosofie, politicologie, letterkunde en recht een bijzondere interesse in filosofische en interdisciplinaire methodologie en wetenschapsfilosofie.

Merel Talbi is working on a PhD in political and social epistemology of deliberation and dialogue. Contemporary political and social situations are fundamentally pluralist, in (intersecting) political, moral, social and epistemic-cognitive ways. This pluralism may lead to conflict, for example when very diverse beliefs and values clash, making it hard (and perhaps inappropriate) to strive towards a consensus. Despite this, cooperation and dialogue are necessary to come to social and political decisions, to develop mutual understanding, and to increase knowledge. On the intersection of philosphy, political science and law, Talbi works on and develops strategies to manage and foster diverse beliefs, values and experiences in discussion, debate and cooperative situations. She does this by focusing on the role of personal narrative, the use of physical, urban and geographical space, (sociological) implications of the law, and (civic) education. Due to her interdisciplinary background in philosophy, political science, comparative literature and law, she also has a particular interest in interdisciplinary and philosophical methodology. 


Merel Talbi has extensive interdisciplinary teaching experience, having worked as a lecturer and course developer at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS) at the University of Amsterdam since 2014. She has taught over a dozen courses on a range of issues, including on interdisciplinary social sciences, sustainability, and interdisciplinary methodology and philosophy of science. Addtionally, she has developed and taught multiple (honours) courses on the intersection of the arts and the sciences, working with a great variety of artists and scholars on artistic research, imaginative scholarship and embodied learning. 

Talbi holds a University Teaching Qualification (BKO certificate).

Ancillary activities
  • Universiteit van Amsterdam | Amsterdam | Medewerker | 2014-08-01 - present
  • Stadsdeelcommissie Amsterdam Oost | Amsterdam | Stadsdeelcommissielid (GroenLinks) | 2022-04-05 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

Merel Talbi, MA MSc.