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dr. Max Koppers

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Functional Genomics


Neurons are highly polarized and interactive cells that require precise spatiotemporal regulation of their proteins for proper functioning. To achieve this, neurons have the ability to localize mRNAs and locally synthesize proteins. These processes play key roles in the development, plasticity and maintenance of neurons and dysregulation of these processes are increasingly implicated in neurodegenerative diseases. The main focus of my research group is to understand the molecular mechanisms and functional relevance of mRNA trafficking and local translation in neuronal subcellular compartments in health and disease. In particular, we are interested in the role of the endoplasmic reticulum in regulating mRNA localization and local translation and its role in presynaptic function.

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dr. Max Koppers


  • Neuroscience, Cell Biology, RNA biology, Local protein synthesis, mRNA transport


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