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dr. Marina Friedrich

Assistant Professor, School of Business and Economics, Econometrics and Data Science

, Tinbergen Institute

Personal information

Marina Friedrich (she/they) is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Econometrics and Data Science and a Research Fellow at the Tinbergen Institute.

Marina obtained a PhD degree from Maastricht University in 2020. In their PhD thesis, she proposes bootstrap methods for trend analysis with a special focus on environmental applications. A pdf version of her thesis can be found here.

Before coming to VU Amsterdam, Marina did a two year PostDoc at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). During the PostDoc her research was mainly related to understanding the price development in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for CO2 emissions.

In her current research, they want to bridge the gap between econometrics and climate sciences. As a Veni Laureate from the Dutch Research Council's Talent Scheme (NWO), she works on making statistical and econometric methods more suitable and accessible for climate researchers. Examples of their work include studying the changing sensitiviy of crop yields to climate variables and understanding past and future developments of atmospheric ethane, an important indicator of atmospheric pollution.

Visit her personal website here.


Time series econometrics, climate econometrics, bootstrapping, missing data, trend estimation, nonparametric estimation techniques, environmental economics, emissions trading

  • Computational Methods in Econometrics
  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Case Study for Econometrics and Data Science
  • Linear Algebra
  • Statistics
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dr. Marina Friedrich


  • HA Statistics, time series econometrics, bootstrap, nonparametric estimation, cl...


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