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prof. dr. Marije Martijn

Full Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Ancient, Patristic and Medieval Philosophy

Full Professor, CLUE+

Personal information

Professor of Ancient Philosophy


* profile picture by Katelijne Vanderveen


Area of specialization: Neoplatonic philosophy. Especially theories of knowledge, nature, mathematics. 



Introductions to Ancient Philosophy (BA Philosophy, BA Classics/Ancient Studies)

Introduction to Medieval Philosophy (BA Philosophy)

Plato Republic (RMA Philosophy)

Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics (RMA Philosophy)

Electives History of Philosophy (e.g. History of Platonism; Truth in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy)


Ancillary activities
  • C.J. de Vogelstichting | Leiden | Bestuurder | 2020-03-03 - present
  • OIKOS | Groningen | Bestuurder | 2021-12-15 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

prof. dr. Marije Martijn