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dr. Magnus Botnan

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Mathematics

Personal information

I am an assistant professor (Universitair Docent) at the Department of Mathematics at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam. I held a 'tenure track' position from 2018 to 2022. Prior to this, I was a postdoc at TU Munich working with Ulrich Bauer (2016-2018). I defended my PhD at NTNU in December 2015 under the supervision of Nils A. Baas.


I work within the field of topological data analysis: a relatively recent branch of mathematics in which topological signatures are assigned to data. Enjoying being at both the pure and applied side of mathematics, my research includes pure elements such as representation theory of quivers, as well as more computational aspects, and applications towards the sciences.

Recent and Upcoming Events


  • The lecture notes from the Mastermath course Topological Data Analysis (2024) can be found here. The text is gradually getting in better shape. Thanks to the students for correcting numerous errors!
  • A tutorial on multiparameter persistence given at GETCO 2022 has been recorded and uploaded to YouTube.
  • My keynote lecture at the BIRS Workshop on Multiparameter Persistent Homology has been published online: From One to Two Parameters. This talk offers an accessible introduction to my research in multiparameter persistence.

Prospective students
Bachelor and master students (in particular students at the VU!) interested in topological data analysis can contact me for potential projects.

Please visit https://www.few.vu.nl/~botnan/ for more information.

Ancillary activities

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dr. Magnus Botnan

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