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prof. dr. Maarten Doorman

Endowed Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Art and Culture, History, Antiquity

Endowed Professor, CLUE+

Personal information

prof. dr. Maarten Doorman

Maarten Doorman is Endowed Professor of Cultural History of Germany at the Faculty of Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam for DIA (Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam) and teaches philosophy at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University Maastricht, and at University College Maastricht. He was editor of the literary magazine Hollands Maandblad  and the philosophical journal Krisis and has been a critic of philosophy, poetry and history of ideas for the leading newspapers NRC and de Volkskrant. He has been contributor to many journals and newspapers with articles about philosophy, the visual arts, politics and literature. Available books are Art in Progress. A Philosophical Response to the End of the Avant-Garde (2003), De romantische orde (3rd 2012), Rousseau en ik (7th 2022, on authenticity), and De navel van Daphne (2nd 2016, on art and engagement), Dichtbij en ver werg (2018, essays) and Een jager in het woud. Frankrijk, Duitsland, Europa (2023).

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prof. dr. Maarten Doorman


  • B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion, Enlightenment, Romanticism, Germany, Begriff...


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