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dr. Marjolein Luman

Associate Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Clinical Neuropsychology

Associate Professor, IBBA

Associate Professor, Amsterdam Public Health, APH - Mental Health

Personal information

Marjolein Luman is associate professor and head of the clinical neuropsychology division, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research focuses on the aetiology and treatment of externalizing behavior inluding ADHD and behavioral disorders. She is particularly interested in what works in parent- and teachertraining interventions and for whom (which children and families) these interventions are effective.  

Marjolein is also a psychologist at Levvel, specialists in youth and family care. 

  • Oudertraining voor kinderen met gedragsproblemen ingebed in het voorliggende veld (ouder- kind teams, OKT, centra voor jeugd en gezin, CJG). PhD student: Emmy van Boven (start 2023). 
  • Stigma manifestations and unmet needs in adults and children with ADHD. Junior investigator: Marlies Visser Athena Institute (start 2022). 
  • Ondersteunen van zelfregulatievaardigheden in de klas, sponsored by NRO. Junior investigator: Vongai Batidzirai (start 2023).
  • Improving behavioral treatment for children with disruptive behavior, sponsored by ZonMw onderzoeksprogramma GGZ. IPDMA project with the aim to identify subgroups of families who respond better or worse to parent training. PhD student: Constantina Psyllou (start 2022) https://www.paint-studies.nl/ipdma/. 
  • Gedragstherapeutische training voor leerkrachten van kinderen met gedragsproblemen in de klas, sponsored by PPO Research fonds Groningen. PhD student: Elisa Steenweg (start 2022) http://www.paint-studies.nl/projects/paint-t/.
  • Follow-up of the NeuroImage sample, a large cohort study of young adults who were diagnosed with ADHD in childhood, sponsored by ZonMw and Stichting tot Steun. PhD Student: Noa van der Plas (start 2021). 
  • Development of a self-help parental support programme for children with externalizing problem behavior, sponsored by Stichting Kinderpostzegels and ZonMw (PhD student: Suzanne de Jong, start 2018) Aan de Slag met Druk en Opstandig Gedrag (RCT study into a behavioral self-help programme for externalizing problem behavior) click here;
  • Development of the Cognitive Task Application (COTAPP), a neuropsychological computerized test battery for children, focussed on use in clinical practice. The project is led by dr. Nanda Lambregts-Rommelse (RUN) in collaboration with UU, Accare/UMCG and VU. Spondored by BOOM testpublishers and ABBAS foundation. COTAPP (meten van cognitieve functies waaronder 'hot' en 'cool' EF bij kinderen) click here;
  • Future of Music project: een digitale muziekinterventie voor kinderen in de basisschoolleeftijd ter bevordering van executieve functies. PhD student Marlijn Janson ( - 2025).
  • Coordinator Pediatric Neuropsychology (Pediatrische Neuropsychologie) BA3;
  • Lecturer Preminor Emotion, Cognition and Behavior (Emotie Cognitie en Gedrag) BA2;
  • Lecturer Ontwikkelingsstoornissen BA3.
Ancillary activities
  • Stichting COTAPP (cognitieve test applicatie) | Nijmegen | | 2018-09-10 - present
  • Levvel | Amsterdam | Medewerker | 2018-10-01 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. Marjolein Luman

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