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dr. Katinka Quintelier, MA MSc.

Associate Professor, School of Business and Economics, Management and Organisation

Personal information

Katinka Quintelier is associate professor of Strategy and Ethics at the department of Management and Organisation. She obtained a PhD in Philosophy in 2011 at the University of Ghent and a PhD in Strategy at the University of Amsterdam in 2020.

In her research, she investigates stakeholder interactions in the circular economy and regenerative business models. She focuses on the construction sector and blue-green infrastructure. Katinka has publications in journals such as Frontiers in Psychology, Human Nature, Thinking and Reasoning, Journal of Cleaner Production, European Management Journal, and – as one of many co-authors – in PNAS and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.


Circular Economy
Circular Business Models
Stakeholder Theory
Moral Psychology

Ancillary activities
  • Het Groene Brein | De Haag | Adviseur | 2022-01-20 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. Katinka Quintelier, MA MSc.