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prof. dr. Juan Rojo

Full Professor, Faculty of Science, Physics and Astronomy

Personal information

More detailed information about my profile can be found in my personal website.

My research interests cover various aspects of particle, nuclear, and astro-particle physics phenomenology, including

  • The determination of the quark and gluon substructure of protons using machine learning, crucial to addressing outstanding open questions in the strong nuclear interaction
  • Model-independent searches for New Physics by means of the Effective Theory framework, where virtual quantum effects provide unparalleled reach to the highest energies
  • Exploiting the interplay between high-energy collider and astroparticle processes, such as the most accurate calculation of signal and background processes for cosmic neutrino interactions.

I am also developer of several widely used software packages in high-energy physics, and have established fruitful collaboations with my experimental colleagues. 

Some of the grants and fellowships that have supported my research include:

  • Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship @ CERN (2010, EUR200k)
  • ERC Starting Grant @ the University of Oxford (2013, EUR1.5M)
  • STFC Rutherford Fellowship @ the University of Oxford (2013, EUR1M)
  • NWO Physics Projectruimte @ VU Amsterdam (2016, EUR460K)
  • NWO ENW-KLEIN-2 @ VU Amsterdam (2019, EUR730K)
  • The Netherlands eScience Center Accelerating Scientific Discoveries grant @ VU Amsterdam (2021, EUR490K)

Furthermore I am a passionate teacher and involved in several teaching- and management-releated initiatives including currently

  • Coordinator and main instructor of Quantum Mechanics 2, Natuur- en Sterrenkunde BSc join degree bachelor program
  • Coordinator and main instructor of From Quantum tot Molecuul, Medische Natuurwetenschappen bachelor program
  • Bachelor coordinator and management team member, Medische Natuurwetenschappen (MNW)
  • Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO/STQ) obtained in 2019
  • Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO) obtained in 2017

Ancillary activities
  • NWO | Utrecht | Adviseur | 2020-02-01 - present
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: DFG | Berlin | Adviseur | 2021-01-01 - present
  • Spanish Research Agency | Madrid | Adviseur | 2022-05-01 - present
  • Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC)) | Swindon | Adviseur | 2023-06-01 - present
  • CERN | Geneva | Scientific Associate | 2024-10-01 - 2025-01-31

Ancillary activities are updated daily

prof. dr. Juan Rojo

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