More detailed information about my profile can be found in my personal website.
My research interests cover various aspects of particle, nuclear, and astro-particle physics phenomenology, including
- The determination of the quark and gluon substructure of protons using machine learning, crucial to addressing outstanding open questions in the strong nuclear interaction
- Model-independent searches for New Physics by means of the Effective Theory framework, where virtual quantum effects provide unparalleled reach to the highest energies
- Exploiting the interplay between high-energy collider and astroparticle processes, such as the most accurate calculation of signal and background processes for cosmic neutrino interactions.
I am also developer of several widely used software packages in high-energy physics, and have established fruitful collaboations with my experimental colleagues.
Some of the grants and fellowships that have supported my research include:
- Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship @ CERN (2010, EUR200k)
- ERC Starting Grant @ the University of Oxford (2013, EUR1.5M)
- STFC Rutherford Fellowship @ the University of Oxford (2013, EUR1M)
- NWO Physics Projectruimte @ VU Amsterdam (2016, EUR460K)
- NWO ENW-KLEIN-2 @ VU Amsterdam (2019, EUR730K)
- The Netherlands eScience Center Accelerating Scientific Discoveries grant @ VU Amsterdam (2021, EUR490K)
Furthermore I am a passionate teacher and involved in several teaching- and management-releated initiatives including currently
- Coordinator and main instructor of Quantum Mechanics 2, Natuur- en Sterrenkunde BSc join degree bachelor program
- Coordinator and main instructor of From Quantum tot Molecuul, Medische Natuurwetenschappen bachelor program
- Bachelor coordinator and management team member, Medische Natuurwetenschappen (MNW)
- Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO/STQ) obtained in 2019
- Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO) obtained in 2017