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dr. Juan Antonio Hernández Agüero

Research Associate, Faculty of Science, Environmental Geography

Personal information

Juan Antonio Hernández Agüero is a postdoctoral researcher in Environmental Geography. He is specialised in the study of Ecosystem Functioning and specially how biodiversity and trophic interactions are spatio-temporary affected by environmental and human-made changes. Using niche modelling, machine learning, literature research, remote sensing and field experiments he tries to establish priority conservation areas specially in Mediterranean areas but also at global scale. He is currently part of Integradiv (https://www.biodiversa.eu/2023/04/19/integradiv/) project within the Biodiversa+ (https://www.biodiversa.eu/) partnership aiming to achieve a better knowledge of forest ecosystems within the Mediterranean biome in Europe and to propose effective protection actions. He is also part of S-Oases project (https://oasen.sgn.one/) aiming to establish a global map of oases and World Climb project aiming to establish the effects of sport climbing on cliff biodiversity. Finally he is leading a field research line to address the Urban Heat Islands effects on trophic interactions across latitudes. 


Modelling, Trophic Interactions, Review, Conservation Biology, Biodiversity.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13: Climate Action
Goal 15: Life on land


2021: PhD in Ecology, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Móstoles, Madrid, Spain.

2017: MSc in Conservation and Biodiversity on islands, Universidad de la Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.

2015: BSc Biology Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain

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dr. Juan Antonio Hernández Agüero

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