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dr. Joshua Snell

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Cognitive Psychology

Assistant Professor, IBBA

Personal information

I am deeply interested in how the human brain processes language. My research is primarily focused on visual language processing, i.e., reading.

What makes reading research challenging and fascinating is the fact that fully understanding reading requires us to integrate various domains of cognition that have traditionally been studied in isolation: attention, memory, oculomotor control, orthographic processing, statistical learning, semantic processing, et cetera. I investigate these various cognitive components with a variety of techniques, including electro-encephalography, behavioral experiments, eye-tracking and computational modelling.

For my latest theory of the reading brain, check out the PONG model here:

For all research updates, check out the website of the Snell Language Lab here:


Ancillary activities

No ancillary activities

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. Joshua Snell


  • Reading, Orthographic processing, Attention, Computational modelling


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