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Joana Ozorio de Almeida Meroz

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Art and Culture, History, Antiquity

Assistant Professor, Amsterdam Sustainability Institute

Assistant Professor, CLUE+

Personal information

Joana Ozorio de Almeida Meroz is Lecturer at the Design Cultures MA and coordinator of the Design track of the Media, Kunst, Design en Architectuur (MKDA) BA at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. In 2018, she defended her PhD thesis Transnational Material Politics: Constructions of Dutch Design, 1970-2012, which was financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). She also holds an MPhil in Critical Studies in Art and Culture (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), a MDes in Contextual Design (Design Academy Eindhoven), and a BFA in Ceramics (Gerrit Rietveld Academy). Her research bridges design history, the environmental humanities, and public policy research, as she is interested in how materials, things and infrastructures intersect with different regimes of meaning to enable certain artefacts and narratives about design and fashion to be produced, collected, preserved, displayed and circulated transnationally, while disabling others from doing so. She has published articles in The Journal of Design History, The Design Journal, Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries StudiesKunstforum, and Design History Netherlands, and has contributed chapters to Beyond Boundaries: Art and Design Exhibitions as Transnational Exchange from 1945 (forthcoming), Design Culture: Object and Approach (2019), the Routledge Companion to Design Studies (2016), exhibition catalogues, and other popular media. She is also guest co-editor of the Journal of Design History special issue ‘Beyond Dutch Design: Material Culture in the Netherlands in an Age of Globalization, Migration and Multiculturalism’ (2016).

Ancillary activities
  • Journal of Design History | Oxford | Peer-reviewer | 2015-01-01 - present
  • Stedelijk Studies Journal | Amsterdam | Editorial board member | 2018-03-30 - present
  • ARIAS: Platform for Research through the Arts and Sciences | Amsterdam | Advisory board member | 2022-09-01 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

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