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dr. Jan Willem Wieland

Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Moral and Political Philosophy

Associate Professor, CLUE+

Personal information

Associate Professor of Ethics
Personal website: https://jjwwieland.nl/

Joined the VU in 2013, with a research project on strategic ignorance - e.g. whether consumers can be held responsible for strategically ignorant wrongdoing (such as meat consumption).

With my group, I’m thinking about responsibilities for collective harms (some info here).

I tend to have Kantian intuitions, according to which we should adopt more sustainable lifestyles since not doing so is not universalizable (see here).

Recently, I’ve started to move from individual responsibility to corporate responsibility. Should corporations like Shell help fight climate change?

Ancillary activities

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dr. Jan Willem Wieland


  • BJ Ethics, Climate ethics, Responsibility, Collective action, Social dilemmas, S...


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