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dr. Hanneke van Dongen

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment

Associate Professor, Amsterdam Movement Sciences, AMS - Musculoskeletal Health

Associate Professor, Amsterdam Public Health, APH - Methodology

Personal information

Hanneke (J.M.) van Dongen (1982) obtained her MScs in Health Sciences and Human Movement Sciences (cum laude) in 2008. After a brief period as a junior researcher at AmsterdamUMC/RIVM, she started her PhD project at the Department of Health Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In 2014, she defended her PhD thesis entitled “Economic evaluations of worksite health promotion programs”.

Since finishing her PhD project, Hanneke van Dongen works at the department of Health Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam where she holds the position of associate professor of Health Technology Assessment in Musculoskeletal Health and Rehabilitation.



Over the years, Hanneke van Dongen has conducted and/or supervised a large number of (international) trial-based economic evaluations, and those in the area of Musculoskeletal Health and Rehabilitation in particular. She also aims to contribute to the advancement of (methods in) this area by:

  • Conducting research on predictors, determinants, and trajectories of resource use and costs;
  • Conducting research on health-related quality of life;
  • Developing and evaluating statistical methods for trial-based economic evaluations.



Since the start of her PhD, Hanneke van Dongen has been extensively involved in teaching. First, as a practical supervisor (e.g. “economic evaluation”, “Inleiding in de Gezondheidseconomie”) and then as a lecturer (e.g. “economic evaluation”, “EPID-M”) and course coordinator (“Economic Assessment of Health Care”). Next to being involved in various courses, she also supervised a large number of BSc and MSc internships (~8/year) and acted as the internship coordinator for the BSc Health Sciences program (2017-2021). Currently, she acts as the PhD coordinator and one of the PhD candidate advisors of the department.

Ancillary activities

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dr. Hanneke van Dongen

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