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Gabriele Benedetti

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Mathematics

I am a mathematician working at the interface of Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems and the Calculus of Variations.
In particular, I study the relationship between Symplectic Geometry and Hamiltonian Systems on manifolds. On the one hand, periodic orbits of Hamiltonian systems yield geometric invariants such as symplectic capacities and symplectic homology. On the other hand, using symplectic tools we can understand concrete Hamiltonian systems coming from physics, such as those describing the motion of charged particles in a magnetic field.


At the VU, I am a member of CTA2, the Center for Topology and Applications, Amsterdam.



You find more information on my personal website with some videos of my talks.


I always look forward to supervising new students for Bachelor and Master projects.

Here are some projects I supervised:

  • The illumination and the blocking problem for polygonal billiards (Bachelor)
  •  The twist condition for strong magnetic fields on the two-sphere (Master)

Here are some projects that I would like to supervise:

  • Bertrand's Theorem on central forces and Mercury's relativistic precession (Bachelor)
  • Integrable magnetic flows on the two-torus (Master)

I can also suggest other topics and if you have an idea for a further project that is also very welcome!

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Gabriele Benedetti

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