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Federica Fusi

Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Political Science and Public Administration

Associate Professor, Research Programmes - Social Sciences, New Public Governance (NPG)


Federica Fusi is an associate professor in Public Administration at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the VU Amsterdam. Her research examines the wide-ranging effects of government digitalization and provides insights into how public organizations can leverage digital tools to enhance their performance and generate positive, equitable outcomes for their communities.

Acknowledging the pervasiveness of digitalization, her studies explore diverse types of digital technologies - from cybersecurity, open data portals, and social media, to electronic monitoring and e-voting – and their impact on people, processes, and outcomes across a variety of policy domains and government agencies. Her goal is to conduct convergence research to understand the potential and drawbacks of technology use for the public interest through the integration of multiple scholarships and fields, as well as theories and methodological approaches.

Her work has been supported by the Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement (University of Illinois Chicago) and the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and it has been published in several international journals, including Public Administration Review, Public Management Review, Review of Public Personnel Administration, Government Information Quarterly.

Prior to joining the VU Amsterdam, Dr. Fusi was an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago.


Dr. Fusi is a faculty member in the MSc Public Administration: Artificial Intelligence & Governance at VU Amsterdam where she teaches, Digital Encounters: Citizen-State Interactions in the Digital Age. Her research directly informs her teaching as she believes that the future government workforce must be trained to understand technology through a socio-technical lens. Future public managers need to critically think about the technology-mediated relationship between government and the public and how to identify and potentially mitigate harms deriving from technology use. 

She has previously taught classes in Public Policy and Data Analytics in R. 

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Federica Fusi


  • JA Political science (General), Public administration, Public Interest Technolog...


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