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dr. Etienne Wijler, MSc

Assistant Professor, School of Business and Economics, Econometrics and Data Science

Personal information

I am an Assistant Professor at the department of Econometrics and Data Science of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, with a specialisation in high-dimensional time series methods. The analysis of high-dimensional datasets, popularized under the name Big Data, is becoming increasingly important for a wide range of institutions. For example, governmental agencies can benefit from improved inference on large micro-economic datasets without the need for aggregation to a macro-level, while commercial corporations often possess overwhelming amounts of potentially useful but highly unstructured data. In recognition of the opportunities provided by non-traditional high-dimensional methods, I explore the behaviour of the most recent statistics from both a theoretical (non-)asymptotic perspective and in applied settings.

I hold a PhD from the University of Maastricht (2020).

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dr. Etienne Wijler, MSc