I am lecturer in Ancient Greek at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Within ACASA (Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology), I teach Ancient and Medieval Greek language and literature on BA- and (Research)MA-level. I am interested in literature (textual transmission and literary interpretation), as well as its cultural context and reception. I like to approach the topics of my teaching and research from a crosscultural perspective and to link the past with the present.
After studying Classics at the University of Amsterdam, I taught Greek, Latin and Ancient Culture in secondary education for ten years (Ignatius gymnasium Amsterdam, 1996-2006). Meanwhile, I obtained a DEA at Paris Sorbonne (cum laude 2001) and a PhD in Byzantine Studies University of Amsterdam (cum laude 2006). I share my research with a broader audience in various ways (lectures, essays, documentaries; click e.g. here)