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Elke Butterbrod

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Clinical Neuropsychology


My research focuses on the multifaceted value of cognitive and PRO (Patient Reported Outcome) data in aging and neuro-oncological diseases, with a particular focus on subjective cognitive decline, dementia and primary brain tumors. I aim to work in a transdiagnostic manner- combining insights from these diseases that actually share similar symptomatology, such as self-perceived cognitive decline, and (progressive) disruption of cognitive performances and problems in daily functioning, and  even common biological mechanisms. Furthermore, these fields face similar challenges in studying this symptomatology, such as limited translation of in-clinic evaluation to daily settings and the need for more granular measures of cognitive dysfunction that are not always derived from traditional neuropsychological assessment. Finally, the prognostic value of cognition and PRO measures for a variety of patients, ranging from cognitively unimpaired individuals with amyloid buildup in the brain to those who have recently been treated for a malignant brain tumor, is also a common topic of interest. The information from this research could improve patient informing, help target patients for monitoring and aid in timely treatment planning. Interdisciplinary collaboration is at the heart of my projects.



I have been teaching since 2015, and coordinating education in the field of neuropsychology since 2017 (University Teaching Qualification obtained in 2019). I have taught topics concerning academic skills, neuroanatomy, basic experiment programming alongside various neuropsychological topics. Currently, i co-coordinate and teach the following courses: Neuropsychological Diagnostics (Bachelor Psychology, year 3), Neuropsychological Interventions (Master Clinical Neuropsychology), and Ageing & Age-related disorders (Research Master Neuropsychology).



I supervise student research projects, including theses, and have been supervisor for a PhD project since 2023. 

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Elke Butterbrod


  • cognitive functioning, subjective cognitive decline, dementia, brain tumor, neur...


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