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Dominik Boll

PhD Candidate, Faculty of Humanities, Moral and Political Philosophy

PhD Candidate, CLUE+

Personal information

I joined the VU as a PhD Candidate in 2021. I work in ethics. My dissertation is on "Taking Responsibility", and my interests include (moral) responsibility, praise and blame, practical agency, and normative powers, amongst many other things.


My research is situated within the The Ethics of Cooperation project together with dr. Philip Robichaud, Tessa Supèr, and dr. Jan Willem Wieland. You can read some info about us here.

Here's a brief description of the project I was hired on:
When many people have to cooperate in light of important ends (e.g. fighting a pandemic or climate change), it often happens that some agents take too much responsibility, and others too little. Much work has been done on how to fairly attribute moral responsibility for the consequences of our past actions, but less attention has been given to what taking responsibility comes to and when it can be fitting or (un)fair. This project will develop an account both of the nature of taking responsibility and of the relevant fittingness and fairness norms governing what people should take responsibility for.

Ancillary activities
  • ApplicAid e. V. | Hamburg | Board Member | 2023-03-05 - present

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Dominik Boll

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