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prof. dr. David van den Berg

Endowed Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Clinical Psychology

Endowed Professor, Amsterdam Public Health, APH - Mental Health

Personal information

David is a clinical psychologist, head of the Mark van der Gaag Research Centre (MRC) and lead for the TopGGZ Early Detection and Intervention Team Haaglanden at Parnassia Psychiatric Institute in The Hague (Parnassia Groep). As a researcher, David is affiliated with the VU University Amsterdam. He is specialised in cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis and post-traumatic stress. David is a supervisor for the Dutch Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy and a member (practitioner) of the Dutch Association for EMDR. He completed his PhD at the VU University into the feasibility and safety of trauma-focused treatment in individuals with psychotic disorders and chronic PTSD. David’s current research focusses primarily on testing (new) psycho-social interventions for people with complex mental health problems (e.g. FeelingSafe-NL), the relationship between trauma and psychosis, and prevention of complex mental health problems. He is also involved in several innovation projects in which he collaborates with industrial design engineers, philosophers, and experts by experience, e.g. the Patterns of Life and Redesigning Psychiatry projects. 

Ancillary activities
  • non-profit foundation Cognitie en Psychose | Oegstgeest | Bestuurder | 2010-01-01 - present
  • section Stemmen, Achterdocht en Andere Bijzondere Belevingen of the VGCt (Dutch CBT association) | Utrecht | Bestuurder | 2015-01-01 - present
  • foundation Redesigning Society | Amsterdam | Bestuurder | 2020-01-01 - present
  • Forta Groep | Rotterdam | teacher | 2020-01-01 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

prof. dr. David van den Berg

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