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prof. dr. David P. Gushee

Endowed Professor, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Beliefs and Practices

Personal information

David Gushee earned his Ph.D. in Christian Ethics in 1993 from Union Theological Seminary in New York. During his teaching career he has taught full-time at three institutions: Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (1993-1996), Union University (1996-2007), and Mercer University (2007-today).

Prof. Dr. Gushee joined the faculty at VU Faculty in Religion and Theology in 2021 as Chair in Christian Social Ethics. He currently supervises 7 PhD students, and has served as chair of the PhD Proposal Advisory Committee since 2023. 

Prof. Dr. Gushee is the author or editor of 29 books in Christian social ethics. His publishing career began with The Righteous Gentiles of the Holocaust: A Christian Interpretation (1994). Highlights of his published works in the ensuing three decades include Kingdom Ethics, with Glen Stassen (2003, 2016); The Sacredness of Human Life (2013); Changing Our Mind (2014); After Evangelicalism (2020); and Defending Democracy from its Christian Enemies (2023). His next book is The Moral Teachings of Jesus (September 2024). 

Dr. Gushee is the elected past-president of both the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Christian Ethics. He is widely sought as a commentator on social-ethical issues in the US and around the world. 

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prof. dr. David P. Gushee


  • B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion, Christian social ethics, faith and politics,...


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