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dr. Christine Moser

Associate Professor, School of Business and Economics, Management and Organisation

Associate Professor, Network Institute

Personal information

Christine Moser is an Associate Professor of Organization Theory at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research is on corporate social responsibility (CSR), knowledge flows in social networks, and the role of technology in social interaction. Her work has been published among others in Academy of Management Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, Academy of Management  Learning and EducationResearch PolicyHuman RelationsOrganization Studies, Business & Society, New Media and Society, Innovation: Organization and Management, and Research in the Sociology of Organizations. She is an incoming Associate Editor for Academy of Management  Learning and Education and editorial board member of Organization Studies, Innovation: Organization & Management and Organization Theory, and has co-edited a volume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations. In addition, she coordinated the organizing team for the EGOS Colloquium in 2021 which was hosted by VU Amsterdam. In 2020, she joined the Executive Committee of the Organization & Management Theory (OMT) division of the Academy of Management as social media co-chair, and in July 2022 she became the vice-chair of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS). See also her Google Scholar profile, her Twitter stream, and her ResearchGate profile

Ancillary activities

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dr. Christine Moser



  • H Social Sciences (General), Organization sciences, Food/waste, Knowledge sharin...
