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Charlotte Rulkens, MA

Research Associate, Faculty of Humanities, Epistemology and Metaphysics

Research Associate, CLUE+

Personal information

Charlotte Rulkens is an art historian specialized in Dutch 17th century painting. Prior to her appointment at Vrije Universiteit, Charlotte worked as a curator at the Mauritshuis in the Hague where she contributed to various exhibitions and catalogues such as Slow Food: Still lifes of the Golden Age, National Trust: Dutch painting from British Country Houses and In Full Bloom. She furthermore curated the exhibition Rembrandt and the Mauritshuis and published about an eighteenth Century planetarium that is part of the Six Collection in Amsterdam. Charlotte held traineeships at the curatorial departments of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam and the Frick Collection, New York. She obtained her BA in Art History and her MA Curating Arts and Cultures from the University of Amsterdam. Charlotte's research interests entail still life painting, collecting history, attribution research, methodology, technical art history and Rembrandt.



Charlotte Rulkens is a Research Associate in the Replicating a Rembrandt Study project, that is part of the larger Epistemic Progress in the University. The purpose of this subproject is to explore the possibilities and limitations of replication in the humanities by aiming to execute a replication study within the field of art history. The study to be replicated concerns the attribution of two portraits of the young Rembrandt that are part of the collections of, respectively, the Mauritshuis in The Hague and the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg.

Ancillary activities
  • Museum Rembrandthuis | Amsterdam | Lid van de Raad van Toezicht | 2023-04-01 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

Charlotte Rulkens, MA

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