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dr. CH Krijnen

Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Ancient, Patristic and Medieval Philosophy

Associate Professor, CLUE+

Personal information

Christian Krijnen (1965) studied philosophy and economics. Until 2000 researcher at the department of philosophy, VU University Amsterdam, on behalf of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) is. Until 1999 also researcher at the Centre for Ethics of the University of Nijmegen (CEKUN). In 2001 he received his PhD from the VU University Amsterdam; publication: Nachmetaphysischer Sinn.Eine problemgeschichtliche und systematische Studie zu den Prinzipien der Wertphilosophie Heinrich Rickerts (Würzburg 2001).Since 2002 research collaborator (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)/research assistant (wissenschaftlicher Assistant), department of philosophy, University of Siegen. Since 2002 fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). 2003/4 fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Post-doc fellowship (3 years) of NWO. Since September 2004 research assistant, department of philosophy, University of Siegen. Habilitation 2006 (Siegen); publication: Philosophie als System. Prinzipientheoretische Untersuchungen zum Systemgedanken bei Hegel, im Neukantianismus und in der Gegenwartsphilosophie (Würzburg 2008).

In his numerous monographs and articles, including Nachmetaphysischer Sinn (2001), Philosophie als System (2008), Recognition—German Idealism as an Ongoing Challenge (2014), The Very Idea of Organization (2015), Kant und Hegel über Freiheit (2022), Kant, Hegel, neo-Kantianism and contemporary transcendental philosophy play a major role.

Since September 2005 Krijnen holds a permanent position at the VU University Amsterdam. He is an associate professor of philosophy.

From September 2010 to 2013 he was a long-term visiting professor at the department of philosophy, Tilburg University.

Short-termed visiting professorships: University of Katowice (spring 2010), University of Bochum (autumn 2012), University of Siegen (June 2013), University of Cologne (June 2014), University of Cologne (June 2014), University of Katowice (spring 2016), University Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile (spring 2017), Cusanus-Hochschule, Bernkastel-Kues (summer 2018), Katholischen Privatuniversität Linz (autum 2018), University Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile (autumn 2018), Katholischen Privatuniversität Linz (spring 2019), University of Ljubljana (winter 2022) 

Founder and member of the board of the Alexander von Humboldt Club Netherlands (an interdisciplinary club of alumni of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Bonn) http://www.humboldt-foundation.de)


Modern and contemporary philosophy; epistemology; philosophy of science; moral philosophy; philosophy of right; social philosophy; philosophical anthropology; philosophy of culture; philosophy of economics, management & organization; metaphysics

The list of reseach activities on this website is very incomplete. Cf. for a complete list of publications, presentations etc. incl. PDF's: https://vu-nl.academia.edu/ChristianKrijnen


Introductory, intermediate and advanced lectures and seminars on a variety of topics: Plato, neo-Platonism, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, neo-Kantianism, Husserl, Heidegger, Derrida, contemporary philosophy; epistemology, philosophy of science, ontology, cultural philosophy, history of philosophy, anthropology, ethics (Dep. of Philosophy at VU University (NL), Tilburg University (NL), University of Trier (D), University of Aachen (D), University of Siegen (D), University of Katowice (PL)). Introductory courses philosophy of science; introductory courses philosophy of economics and of management & organization; introductory courses business ethics (VU, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (BA, MA); Tilburg School of Economics & Management (BA)).

Ancillary activities
  • Humboldt -Club Nederland | Amsterdam | Bestuurder | 2013-11-24 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. CH Krijnen

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