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dr. Bogdana-Raluca Huma

Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Communication

Associate Professor, Network Institute

Personal information

I am a member of the Language and Communication research group and I teach on the programme Communication and Information Studies in the Faculty of Humanities.


My research is situated at the intersection of psychology, sociology, and communication. Drawing on a variety of interaction analytic methods such as – discursive psychology, conversation analysis, ethnomethodology, and membership categorisation analysis – I examine how social interaction is organised in everyday domestic and institutional settings, with the aim of developing practical applications and communication training. Among others, my research has covered persuasion and resistance in commercial encounters, sexism and misogyny in television shows, and decision making in child vaccination conversations. I have used my research findings in trainings for sales and health professionals.

Additionally, I am passionate about Open Science and have written about its compatibility with qualitative research methodologies. Currently, I am researching how Open Science principles are practically implemented in research projects.


I teach the following courses on the BA and (pre-)MA programmes in Communication and Information Studies:

- Persuasive Communication (BA)

- Interaction Analysis (pre-MA "Dialogue, Health & Society")

- Dialogue for Health (MA "Dialogue, Health & Society")

- Medical and Healthcare Interactions (MA "Dialogue, Health & Society")

In the past, I also taught:

- Discourse Analysis

- Communication Cultures

- Introduction to Communication Studies

- Language, Media, and Communication

Ancillary activities
  • Journal 'Research on Language and Social Interaction' | Loughborough | Redactiemedewerker | 2021-02-02 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. Bogdana-Raluca Huma


  • BF Psychology, HM Sociology, Social Psychology, Social Influence, Discursive Psy...


Uitgelichte prijzen

  • NWO Open Science Fund

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