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prof. dr. Bastiaan Krom

Full Professor, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, Preventive Dentistry

Personal information

Bastiaan Krom is a molecular microbiologist with extensive experience in (molecular) biology of Candida albicans. He obtained a PhD from the University of Groningen, did a Post-doctoral fellowship at Georgetown University Medical Center (Washington DC, USA) and worked at the department of Biomedical Engineering of the University Medical Center Groningen. Since 2011 he works at the department of Preventive Dentistry of the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amstredam (ACTA).  Since January 1st 2024 he is chair of the department of Preventive Dentistry. 


My research focusses on the dynamic interactions between fungi and bacteria in the oral cavity. Using complex in vitro models I aim to unravel the effect of fungi on the commensal and pathogenic oral microflora.Interactions with the hard and soft host-tissues are important in  these studies. 


I hold a Senior Teaching Qualification and am the responsible coordinator for Academic Skill development. We aim to strengthen all academic skils of our students including bildung. In addition I teach basis microbiology and cariology at ACTA and fundamentals of biofilm (infections) at the VU, AMC and University of Utrecht.

Ancillary activities
  • Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microbiologie | Groenekan | Bestuurder | 2016-03-01 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

prof. dr. Bastiaan Krom

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