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dr. Annemiek Hammer

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Language

Assistant Professor, Network Institute

Personal information

Annemiek Hammer is an assistant professor in the Department of Language, Literature, and Communication. Since 2023, she is programme director for the Linguistics and Literary Studies program.

Hammer studied Linguistics (BA) and Speech and Language Pathology (MA) at Radboud University in Nijmegen. For her doctoral research (Leiden University), she investigated the spoken language development of deaf and hard-of-hearing children. She compared the language outcomes of this group with those of children with a developmental language disorder.

She further expanded her knowledge of the deaf community in her role as senior lecturer at the Institute for Sign, Language, and Deaf Studies at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. In this role, she delivered lectures and guest lectures on language development and hearing at various locations in the Netherlands and specialized in applied research.


Hammer’s research focuses on the relationship between language, hearing, and cognition. Specifically, she investigates how speech comprehension is influenced by the speaker’s visual information (for example, by seeing the speaker’s mouth). How do children develop auditory-visual integration in speech comprehension? What cognitive benefits do they experience as a result?

Additionally, Annemiek Hammer assists professional partners in solving problems through research. Examples include ways to stimulate vocabulary development among secondary school students, strengthen reading comprehension through training in metalinguistic awareness, and improve language assessment in educational settings.


Annemiek Hammer teaches both bachelor’s and master’s courses in language testing and language and hearing. She holds the following qualifications: BKO, SKO, and SKE.

She has a talent for making theoretical research accessible to professionals, offering them practical tools and insights. She delivers lectures (webinars, knowledge clips) on language development, language disorders, and the relationship between language and hearing.

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dr. Annemiek Hammer

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