Anne Van Loon is an Associate Professor in Drought Risk within the Water & Climate Risk group at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM). She is a hydrologist and interdisciplinary drought (& flood) risk scientist, interested in the relationship between water, people and the environment. She uses mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative data analysis, modelling, workshops) to understand hydrological processes and their interaction with human activities, especially in relation to drought management and changes in water use and vulnerability.
Anne is currently involved in projects related to drought and flood management in southern Africa (Connect 4 WR), groundwater drought in Europe (GDI), drought risk modelling in eastern Africa (DOWN2EARTH), and the EU-funded project RECEIPT on climate risk storylines. She also leads the interdisciplinary ERC project on drought-to-flood disasters (PerfectSTORM).
Before starting at VU Amsterdam, Anne was a Senior Lecturer in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham (UK), working on drought propagation and management, flood risk perception, snow & ice hydrology, and mangrove restoration. She did a PhD and postdoc at Wageningen University on drought propagation and impacts, and worked at FutureWater on water management modelling and evaporation.
Drought (risk) analysis and management, Groundwater drought, Water use, Flood risk, Interdisciplinary methodologies, Modelling.